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Can You Afford to Buy Cheap?

Can You Afford to Buy Cheap?

Can you afford to buy cheap when it comes to Air Conditioning in Rockingham County?

The answer is absolutely NOT!!!!

In today’s world, we as consumers are always looking to save money when we can, right?  When we go to the grocery store, we buy the generics over name brands.  We buy the off-brand laundry detergent.  We may even buy the store brand cereals for our kids. Even the dog may get the less expensive dog food.  But I am here to tell you that “buying cheap”; when it comes to purchasing a new HVAC system is not a lesson you want to learn the hard way…..

Let’s look at the facts

FACT #1:The average homeowner only purchases a new heating and air system 2.5 times in their lifetime…. Think about how many cars you’ve owned in your lifetime?  

FACT #2: Your home’s heating and cooling is the most expensive appliance in your home.

FACT #3: Air conditioning accounts for about 12% on your home’s annual energy costs in the Southeast.  Hint: This does not include the heating side….

FACT #4:Your home’s comfort system keeps your family comfortable year-round. The typical HVAC system runs 2-3 cycles per hour and these last 10-15 minutes each.  So, let’s do some conservative math:  2 cycles per hour at 10 minutes each, that’s 20 minutes per hour.  We all know there are 24 hours in a day, but let’s be conservative and use 18 hours. 20 minutes per hour times 18 hours = 360 minutes each day or 6 hours per day. This is a conservative estimate.

ADDENDUM to FACT #4: Newer HVAC systems that have multi-stage or variable outdoor units and/or indoor variable speed furnaces/air handlers are designed to run much longer and cycle less.

FACT #5:Improperly installed hvac equipment can account for more than 30% more energy usagethan necessary.  This can mean bad ductwork, under or oversized equipment, improper refrigerant charge, or incorrect equipment matchup…..just to name a few!

It’s all about choosing the right local contractor in Rockingham or Guilford County

In the HVAC business, it is always about the proper installation.  Unfortunately, these days almost anyone can purchase heating and cooling equipment, even though you are required to be licensed in most states.  You can take the BEST system and install it incorrectly, and you can have a disaster on your hands.  This is why you need to choose someone that has the experience and expertise to the job properly.  Heat & Air Controllers has been the local company of choice for 37 years. Contact us now!

Check their credentials

Before you choose an installing contractor to purchase that new high-efficiency air conditioner, you should do a little homework.  How long has the company been in business?  Take a look at their website, does it look professional?  Check out their reviews:  Google, Social Media, Better Business Bureau, etc.  A good ol’ recommendation from a friend or co-worker goes a long way!

Ask questions, do your due diligence

Ask the contractor about what is the best system for your home?  Is it gas heat and electric air conditioning or a heat pump?  What efficiency level are they recommending?  Ask yourself, how long do I plan to be in my home, and how many hours per day are you at your residence?  Many people work from home, so that can make a big difference. Ask about your existing ductwork, does it need repair or replacing?  Do they offer financing?  You can get a lot more for your money for just a few extra dollars in your monthly payment.

Work with a Real Business, one with a “Brick and Mortar” location

This may be the most important tip you get from this article, so listen closely…. Choose a contractor that will be there to back you up after the job has been completed.  The installation of a heating and air conditioning system is complex.  This is why the contractor has to have and keep a license in order to do installations. They also must have insurance to safeguard you and their employees.  What if someone gets hurt on the job at your house?  So, if you hired the moonlighter or “Chuck in a truck”, they may not have insurance to cover an accident.  If they don’t, they could come after you for medical bills or even sue you!

We’ll give you two real-world examples of what can happen when you try to save a few bucks.

Example #1: You decide to use a friend of a friend. Your buddy tells you, “he’s great, he’s the best guy in the business.”  He works for an HVAC company as his real job, and he moonlights on the side installing equipment for friends.  He tells you he can save you $500-1000 bucks on the job.  So, you have him do the installation.  It works great for the first few days, and then it stops working. You call him back, and he says, “I’ll come by after work and take a look.”  Well, he comes by, and he gets you back up and running.  Then it stops working again the next day.  You call “Chuck” back, and he won’t answer his phone or return your phone calls.  So, what do you do?  You call the licensed professional company.  The one you should have called in the first place.  They come and fix it, but they hand you a hefty bill for the repairs.  Now you’ve paid more than you would have in the first place, if you had contracted the reputable company to begin with.

Example #2: You purchase your equipment on the internet.  You know how to size equipment properly for your home?  Well of course you do, you Googled it right?  So, you get the equipment and have that friend in the HVAC business install it.  It works great the first night. This is the best decision you’ve ever made, you’re telling yourself. The second day is another story.  It stops working all together, and you have a newborn baby in the house.  Now you’re in panic mode!!!  You call your friend…..Your friend is too busy to come by after work.  He’s working overcome at his day job, hint: An HVAC company. You plead with him to come out and see what’s wrong the following day.  And guess what, he had his tools stolen, so he can’t come and see what’s wrong with the system.  So, back to example #1, you call a reputable local heating and air company.  And here is what they tell you, “Sorry sir, but we don’t work on equipment purchased online by the homeowner.”  Just a note here, this is a TRUE STORY.

In conclusion

There are some things in life you can look to save a little money when purchasing.  Heating and air conditioning is not one of them.  Contact your local trusted contractor, check their credentials, look at their reviews, and ask for recommendations from them. Trust me, you may invest a little more, but you will reap the benefits in the long run.  

Heat & Air Controllers has been serving Rockingham and Guilford County for over 37 years.  Contact us now to have the local experts show you why we’re the best!

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